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Posted in Open Source OS Operating Systems

What To Know About Ubuntu

Several operating systems have come into the market over the past years, with each proposing unique tweaks that are different from the rest. One such operating system that has win hands over the market and is successively growing is Ubuntu. Thus, raises the question, what is Ubuntu operating system and why is it so popular in the recent days?

About Ubuntu

Ubuntu (pronounced as “oo-boon-too”), an open-source operating system, is a distro or distribution of Linux, which conveys that it is an operating system that uses the Linux kernels as a foundation for its creation. There are numerous Linux distros out in the market, however, Ubuntu stands out a mile due to its marketability and ubiquity. It has a highly earned history of reliability and safety.

Ubuntu was released by a worldwide community of programmers along with the employees of Ubuntu’s commercial sponsor, Canonical and is designed to provide a free platform to developers and users. To get started, visit the Ubuntu website, download the OS, use, and share the operating system as a perk.

Ubuntu enables you to use other OS as well, for example, if you have a Windows operating system on your computer, you can still use Ubuntu alongside without any hassles. Apart from the fact that it is the most popular server Linux distribution, Ubuntu is also a completely open-source project that can run on the cloud, servers, desktops, tablets, smartphones, IoT (Internet of Things) and much more.

Ubuntu is available in three editions – Desktop, Core, and Server editions, the Core edition being for the IoT devices and robots. Ubuntu gets a new release every six months, and Long-Term Support (LTS)releases in every two years. Canonical provides security patches, updates, and support with every Ubuntu release.

Ubuntu is accredited to have a third party software system in its application, which includes packages such as Ubuntu restricted extras that are legally secured by the government. However, the plus point of this third party application is that the DVD software will be available for purchase through the Canonical store.

Features of Ubuntu

After understanding the basic idea of Ubuntu, let us look at the features for which it is the best OS for the developers.

  • Assistance for Emerging Technologies
  • Allowance to Certified Hardware
  • Reliable OS Experience

Benefits of Streamlined Distribution

  • Massive Support
  • Enhance Hardware without any limitations
  • Attractive User Interface

Benefits of Ubuntu

Below listed are some of the promising characteristics of Ubuntu that has helped it to gain a head place among the users –

  • Free of Cost
  • Can be easily customized
  • More secure compared to other operating systems
  • Can run from a flash drive
  • The best option for development
  • Supports frequent updates
  • Offers multiple desktops

Conclusively, Ubuntu was developed to enable the use of an efficient working system. Until now if you have not used the Ubuntu OS, then now is the time to check on it. With such a mind-blowing number of features and customization options, you will be able to use your system more efficiently and securely. Now that you are aware of the basic impressions of Ubuntu, it is time to explore the OS in thoroughly.

Posted in Operating Systems

What Is Linux?

We all have been using different types of operating systems on our computers or laptop. And Linux is also one of the operating systems which are also an open-source operating system. This operating system was designed for different devices like servers, computers, mainframes, embedded devices, and mobile devices. Linux is not a new operating system; people are using it for a long time. It is there from the 1990’s mid and is still being used. However, there are many new operating systems and their versions have been introduced. But in some or the other form, Linux is present in many of the devices these days also. It is one of the reliable operating systems, but still many people are not aware of Linux. So, here, we are going to tell you about Linux, and a few things related to it.

Linux: An operating System

As we have already mentioned above that it is an operating system, just like the Mac, iOS, or Windows operating systems. Linux was created by Linus Torvalds, in the year 1991. That time Torvalds was a student at the University of Helsinki. Earlier, he decided to name this operating system as Freax. But then he named it by using his first name and the word Unix and gave it a name Linux.

If you all have been using computer systems or have knowledge about computer systems, you must be aware of it that operating systems help manage the hardware that is associated with our PCs or laptops. Linux is also one of the kinds, and you might be surprised to know that Android is also dependent on the Linux Operating System only as it is powered by it. If your smartphone or your PC’s and Laptops will not have operating systems, the software present in them will not work. As the communication that takes place between the hardware and the software is because of the operating systems only. Linux also contains different parts that are helpful in successful running it. Like Bootloader, Kernel, Init System, Daemons, Graphical Server, and a few other parts. All these parts help in making Linux, a better operating system that can work perfectly without any problem.

Why one should use Linux?

We all know that we have some of the amazing operating systems to use. And this is the reason why most of the people do not understand why people are still using Linux, or why one should use it. Because Linux is not just the same type of operating systems like Windows or Mac. It is a bit different and has a completely different computing environment. We know that the operating system which you might be using at present seems perfectly fine for you. But do you never face any issue with it? At times, the operating systems which we are using, other than Linux also creates a problem. It can be the crashing of the operating system or it can be the malware attacking the system. Even you PC or laptop, sometimes start working slowly, and that is also a problem. One of the biggest things is paying the license fees for the operating system to use it on your PC or Laptop.

But you will be happy to know, that with Linux, most of these problems do not even occur. Especially, if we talk about the license or up-gradation fees, you should know that Linux is free to use and there is no hidden cost. We have already mentioned that above also, that it is a free open-source operating system. No matter how many numbers of computer systems you are installing Linux, it is completely free.

Not just about the cost, if we compare Linux with other operating systems in other things also, it is said to be a better operating system. Like if we talk about the malware attacks, so you should know that with the Linux operating system, you may hardy face this issue. We have to deal with malware, ransomware and other such viruses with other operating systems. There is always a data or system threat because of these malicious viruses. But with Linux, it has been observed and noticed that no such problem occurs. This keeps costs down for large operations such as adult sites and adult dating apps as noted in this adultfriendfinder review. These sites and apps need to keep operating costs down in order to not cut into profits.

If you are using Linux, you will know that you will not have to reboot it again and again like other operating systems. Whenever an update comes, you end up rebooting your device with other operating systems. But with Linux, you will only have to reboot it when Kernel gets updated.

Who uses Linux?

We know most of you might be thinking that Linux is only being used by big organizations or IT companies. But you should know that one of the devices which you might be using at present, may have a Linux operating system in it. Like your Android Smartphones, wearables, cameras, digital storage devices, a few others. Generally, the organizations make use of Linux, because it is an open-source operating system which means it will get great support from many users. Also, it is a secure operating system for the servers.

Posted in Closed Source OS Open Source OS

Open Source vs Closed Source Operating Systems

Most of the companies face an issue when buying some new software. They will be in the confusion that whether to go for open source or closed source software. This choice is not obvious since software comes with its particularities. So, based on the situation both open and close software may have their advantages and disadvantages. Let us understand both open source and closed source software and their differences.

OSS or Open-source software 

OSS means, software that is utilizing the code freely available on the internet. Here code can be modified, copied, and even deleted by users and even by any organization. The open-source software is open to the public and all the results updated will be made available to the public. An open-source experience of continuous updates expands and improves since many people will be working on it.

CSS or Closed source software

Closed source software is completely opposite to the meaning of OSS. Here the software utilizes closely guarded proprietary code. Here the code will be accessible only to the original authors. They can alter have the right to access, and copy the software. Closed source software cannot be purchased completely but only we can use it.

It is very important to understand the peculiarities of both closed source and open software to understand them completely. Through five basic aspects like security, pricing, source availability, and support along with usability you can understand them better.

Price Policy

When we consider open source, it is available for free of cost. Of course, there will be costs for additional services, assistance, and even for added functionality. But basic software will be available for free. So, you have to pay for the services in case of open-source software.

If we consider closed source software, it is paid software. The cost of the software may vary based on the functionalities and even the complexity of the software. Sometimes the price can be high but there is a guarantee that for the money paid, you will get better software. Closed software comes with complete support, innovation, and functionality. In most of the cases, closed software also offers a free trial. Through this, the owner of the closed software tries to convince the buyer about the quality of the software.


When we think about the security of software it is definitely like two sides of the coin. This is true especially in the case of open-source software. The code of the open-source software can be viewed and it can be modified. Of course, this code can be shared. So, open software code can be fixed, upgraded, and tested by anyone. But, here the bugs get fixed quickly. After that the code undergoes thorough check soon after every change. But, unfortunately, the code is available open even for the hackers.

But, in the case of closed source software, code can be accessed and fixed only by the author or vendor. In case if something goes wrong with closed source software you need to place a request. After that, you have to wait for their response and answer. So, with closed source software it always takes a long time to fix something compared to OSC. Hence when we consider security, both closed source and open source software have their own cons and pros. This is the reason companies and firms face difficulties in choosing them.

Quality of Support

When it comes to support, compared to the open-source software, of course, CSS brings better support. Closed source software always predominates in case of support. Support will always be available upfront since you have paid the money when buying the CSS. When you buy CSS there will be an option for contract support. You will get a response usually within a day in most of the cases. More than that, the response in the case of closed source software is well documented and organized.

In the case of open-source software, there is no such option available. You can just rely on forums and useful articles for support. You can even hire an expert for solving issues. So, you cannot expect a high level of response in the case of OSS.

Source Code Availability

There is no restriction applied to the availability of code in the case of open-source software. Here individuals can update and develop the functionalities they need and get benefited from their innovations. But, closed source is completely restricted its code. Here the source code cannot be viewed and definitely cannot be changed. These restrictions contribute to the reliability and security of the code.


In the case of open-source software, usability is completely painful. User guides can be understood only by developers but not by a layman. Usability is one of the merits in the case of closed source software. Documentation is completely well-written and there will be detailed instructions about the software.


As said earlier, there will be pros and cons in both types of software. In some cases, open-source software is beneficial and in other cases, closed software brings more advantages.

Posted in Mobile Operating Systems Operating Systems Uncategorized

Getting Acquainted With Mobile Operating Systems

Most folks have ample knowledge regarding the different types of mobile phones and their manufacturers but most people know anything about their operating systems. It is very important that you get to know the different types of mobile operating systems used by the phone manufacturers so that you get to understand the magic behind the colorful touch screen.

What is a mobile operating system?

A mobile operating system otherwise known as OS is a platform that runs on a mobile device and allows other programs to be installed and function on the devices. Consider it as the backbone of all the favorite applications and its programs. Mobile operating system is the system on top of everything else and is the intangible part of the mobile device.

Different phone manufactures use varying operating system on their devices and this is what makes them unique. Apple has its own operating system, Samsung have their own, Nokia also has its own unique operating systems. Let us examine some of the most popular operating systems. Mobile operating systems are the foundation of all the different applications that we use everyday. They allow for all the functions of our messaging apps, dating apps, and even affair dating apps like Ashley Madison. All these apps that are so important to many people’s daily lives are built on the foundation of mobile operating systems.


Symbian OS is a property of Nokia which means that any other phone manufacturer has to seek permission from Nokia before using their operating system. Nokia is one of the Giant mobile phone manufacturers around the globe. Symbian was the most used mobile operating system after java until a couple of years ago when new operating systems started to get into the market. Symbian is still being used in certain parts of the world however the demand rate is decreasing very rapidly.


Android OS was released back in 2008 by the name Astro. After sometime they started producing upgraded versions and soon Google adopted a trend of naming Android versions after desserts or sweets. Other releases are Donut, Froyo, Gingerbread, Ice, Honeycomb Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean. Since Android platform is not closed like the iOS, there are a lot of Android apps which have been built by developers.

Just after stepping into the smartphone and tablet market Android gained quite a popularity due to the immense and beautiful appearance as well as working efficiently. Many new features have been introduced into the application after its introduction into the market. Google play is the official market place for Android and it contains millions of different apps for android devices. Android is being used by top manufacturers like Samsung, Motorola and HTC. Presently, Android is one of the top operating systems that is widely used across the globe is considered to be a serious threat for iPhone.

Apple iOS

iOS was introduced in 2007 when the first iPhone was developed. It has undergone a lot of upgrades since its development and currently the latest iOS9. Apple iOS is a closed system which means no other person or company is allowed to lay their hands on the operating system. Unlike Android, Apple has concentrated on performance along with its appearance. This is the reason why the appearance of iOS has remained the same for quite some time. In general, it is user friendly and one of the best operating systems.

Blackberry OS

Blackberry is the property of Research in Motion (RIM) and was released in 1999. It has developed its operating systems for its line of smartphones and is very different from other operating systems. The style of interface as well as the smartphone design is very different having a trackball for moving on the menu as well as the qwerty keyboard.

Blackberry OS is a closed system just like Apple iOS and is not available for other manufacturers. Blackberry OS 7.1 is the latest release of the operating system and was introduced in 2011. It is very reliable and immune to almost all viruses.

Windows OS

Windows operating system is the most popular operating system that is being used in almost all computers across the globe. Windows Operating system is also being used in mobile devices that are manufactured by Nokia. Windows OS for mobile devices has gained immense popularity among many of its users with its colorful and user-friendly interface being in demand all over the world. Samsung and HTC are other phone manufacturers that have used Windows OS in some of their mobile phones.

Other operating systems that you will find in the market include Bada, Palm OS, Open WebOS and Maemo.

Posted in Open Source OS Operating Systems

What Are Operating Systems?

Operating systems are softwares that allows managing of hardware of computer, resources of software, and gives services for  programs operating on computers.

Operating systems help in scheduling programs and tasks for use in an efficient way and could also inculcate accounting programs. It allows time, storage of mass etc. There are different types of operating systems. They are:

Single and multi tasking

A system of single-tasking at a time runs only one program, whereas the operating system of multi-tasking  type permits running of two or more programs simultaneously. This system of working is obtained by sharing of time, where there is a division of time of processor among several processes.

Single user and multi user

The operating system with Single-user systems does not have the ability to differentiate users, but it could permit running of several programs. A system of multi-user operation expands the root basis of multiple tasks performing with a number of facilities which have the ability of identifying processes, like the space in disk, multiple users belonging, and the system allows more than two users to communicate through the program at the very same point of time.


A distributed type of operating system has the ability to manage a cluster of different computers and builds them to be appearing as a one constituted computer. The progress of computers connected through network, that are able to be linked and interact with one another gives boost to computing in a distributed manner. Computations in distributed manner are used to being performed or run on two or more machines a distributed is system is the one in which. Computers perform their work in a constituted group in whole cooperation.


In this Operating System, both the distributed and the computing via cloud system  context works, templating can be defined as the creation of one virtual image by machine which is then considered  as an operating system which is a guest, then the image is being saved as a machine tool for running a multiple machines that are virtual in nature. This method is utilized in both the process of virtualization and management of computing in the cloud, and it is also a common way present in very large warehouses of servers.


The Embedded type operating systems  are utilized in computer with embedded systems. They are made to be operated on some very small scale machines such as PDAs which have a very less system of autonomy. They have the ability to run their programs within a limited resource number. They are quite compact in nature and are highly efficient in performing tasks because of their design. 

Real time operating system

An operating system named as real-time operating system is the system that ensures to process and run events, information or data in a particular moment in real time. A real-time operating system could be of multitasking or single tasking management but when it is used as multitasking system, it makes use of specialized algorithms for scheduling.